The fascination of Danube infiltration
78194 Immendingen
The fascination of Danube seepage - unique in the world
Culinary power comes from the broth on this tour...
A great tour around the globally unique phenomenon of Danube seepage.
Along the Danube above ground on the Danube cycle path to the Danube breakthrough valley near Fridingen and from there via Neuhausen ob Eck to the source of the Aach in Hegau and back to the large seepage points near Immendingen.
Between Immendingen and Fridingen in the Donaubergland region, the Young Danube partially sinks back into the ground shortly after its "start" in Donaueschingen. On many days of the year even completely.
One part of the Danube water flows on the surface further east into the Black Sea, the other part "dives" and flows underground towards the south, comes to the surface again at the "Aachquelle" and flows from there into Lake Constance and, with the water of the Rhine to the west and north, actually into the North Sea.Source: DZT Knowledge Graph