The fascination of Danube infiltration
Premium trail DonauWellen
Hiking pleasure in the Donaubergland
Longest DanubeWaves tour with ups and downs. Unforgettable views from the shining rocks above the Danube, alternating with passages along the Danube in the breakthrough valley.
Important information for the hiking season:
The former Danube footbridge (pedestrian bridge over the Danube) at the ford near the "Jägerhaus" between Fridingen and Beuron no longer exists, as it was completely destroyed by the Danube flood some time ago. However, the town of Fridingen has replaced the existing stepping stones in the Danube ford with significantly larger, higher and more level ones, making them much easier to walk on.
Crossing the Danube at this point is therefore only possible - at your own risk - via the stepping stones when the water level is appropriate.Tip: If you are on site and cannot cross the Danube, please contact the Stehle family at the "Jägerhaus" inn:
Tel. +49 7466 254.
The Stehle family always knows what to do and can offer spontaneous assistance.
If you would still like to walk the entire tour if the water level is too high, we recommend following the Donauberglandweg from the Jägerhaushöhle to Beuron and from there back to the Knopfmacherfelsen on the left bank of the Danube. This extends the tour by approx. 4.5 km.
The tour:
The Donaufelsen tour is the longest of our DonauWellen premium trails, a very special tour in the ups and downs of the landscape with unforgettable views from the shining rocks above the Danube, alternating with passages along the banks of the Danube in the breakthrough valley between Fridingen and Beuron.
Course: Knopfmacherfelsen - Stiegelsfelsen nature reserve - Laibfelsen - Ziegelhütte, Kallenberg ruins - Bronnen Castle - Bronner Caves - Jägerhaus Cave - Jägerhaus, Danube crossing - Knopfmacherfelsen.
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